Supporting Joint Health As You Age

Healthy joints are essential in maintaining mobility as you age. However, joint health deteriorates over time, and preserving  healthy functioning joints is easier said than done. The good news is this is a manageable condition. Even as you grow older, you can support your joints  by combining physical and nutritional strategies. In this post, we look at some of these strategies and how they can help you protect  proper joint function all through your life.

Physical Approaches to Joint Health

As noted above, staying physically active is essential in maintaining proper joint function and mobility. However, this can be challenging. Physical activity involves increased mobility, but with aching joints, this can, at times, prove difficult. The good news, there might be a way around it. First, it is always advisable to lose weight. Losing extra pounds reduces the pressure on your joints.

It is also essential to include resistance or another type of strength training in your exercise plan. Retaining muscle and strength as you age is vital for leading an active lifestyle. Maintaining your muscle mass provides extra support to joints and bones, which ultimately enhances overall joint function.

Supplemental Strategies to Joint health

In addition to staying in good physical health, you should consider using supplements to support  proper joint function. OptiMSM, a branded form of Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), is a sulfur-rich supplement with clinical research demonstrating its effectiveness  to support and preserve connective tissue, including joints, ligaments, and muscles. Studies also show OptiMSM protects cartilage and helps to enhance muscle adaptation while reducing muscle damage and oxidative stress. These factors combine to support mobility and boost exercise performance and recovery for people of all ages.

Clinical studies highlight the efficacy of MSM for joint health and mobility. While there are many nutritional supplements available, MSM provides multiple benefits. OptiMSM, the only MSM produced in the U.S.A., was used in the majority of the research and is backed by extensive clinical trials.

While highly effective alone, MSM also formulates well and delivers significant synergistic benefits combined with other ingredients. MSM is frequently formulated with collagen, curcumin, Boswellia, hyaluronic acid, chondroitin, and glucosamine.

In fact, in a recent study, the addition of 500 mg of MSM provided nearly 2X the benefits of a Glucosamine/Chondroitin blend.

Nutritional Approaches to Joint Health

Eating a proper diet can also play a key role in enhancing overall joint function. Certain types of foods will not only help reduce the risk of joint damage but may also help reduce existing joint pain. Here are some of them:

Foods Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids offer an array of health benefits, including enhancing cardiovascular health. However, they contain potent anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce or manage joint pain. Fish oils, in particular, are rich in polyunsaturated fats and are highly recommended for your overall health.

High Calcium foods

If there is something we all learn from an early age, calcium is essential in developing strong bones. Strong bones will most likely lead to stronger joints. Common high calcium foods include dairy products, soya, fish with bones, fortified bread, etc. You can also consider using natural calcium supplementation to get your daily recommended intake.

Vitamin D

Just like calcium, Vitamin D is essential in promoting the development of strong bones. Studies show Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of joint and muscle pain substantially, and increased supplementation of Vitamin D into your diet is recommended. Vitamin D-rich foods include beef liver, egg yolk, fatty fish like tuna, salmon, etc., and cereals.

Keeping your joints healthy is essential in healthy aging. Proper joint function is also vital in promoting optimal exercise performance.